Bismarck FFA
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LDE Competions
LDE (Leadership Developement Events) Competions are competions that help enhance a person's leadership skill and public speaking abilities.
  • Parlimentary Procedures (Parli Pro)
    • team consisting of 6 people that do a mock meeting that shows the correct usage of motions and debate.
  • Opening and Closing Ceremonies (OCC)
    • team consisting of 7 people that do mock meeting consisting of opening the meeting, debating on a sample motion, and closing the meeting.
  •  Creed Speaking
    • A person recites the FFA Creed before judges.
  • Extemporaneous (Extem) Speaking 
    • The contestant is given a topic to make a speech and has 30 minutes to create and memorize most of it and present it before judges.
  • Prepared Speech
    • The contestant chooses a topic from a set list and creates and completely memorizes their speech. They then later present it at the competion before a selection of judges.
  • Discussion Meet
    • The contestant discusses a particular topic with 5 other competitors. They give an introductory and closing speech of 30 seconds. The winner is determined by how well the topic is discussed.


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